Monday, 11 December 2017



In summary, these Ahadith are giving us three lessons.

The first lesson is to do Allah Ta’alah’s Shukr (شکر) for all the blessings He has showered upon us, without any effort or right on our part. Our health, our families, our children, our wealth, our peace and tranquility, our comfort, are all such blessings. If we lose any of these, sometimes we cannot get them back no matter how much we are willing to spend. We should set aside some time each day to remember all of these blessings and do Allah’s Shukr for these.

The second lesson is that in matters of Dunya (material wealth) we do not look at the person who is wealthier than us, rather look at the person who is less well off than us, and in matters of Deen (religion) look at the person who is better than us.

The third lesson is to develop contentment (قناعت). Contentment does not mean that we should not make our best effort to earn through Halal (permissible) means. What it means is that we are satisfied with whatever we can earn through Halal means, and do not get tempted to earn more through Hara’am (unlawful) means. And keep praying to Allah Ta’alah to grant us contentment to be happy and satisfied with what we have, and to grant us Barakah (برکت) in our material wealth.

May Allah Ta’alah grant these blessings to all of us. Ameen

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