Friday, 1 December 2017



After reading the above Hadith a question may come to mind that the Holy Prophet has mentioned having food for one day only, that if you have enough food to suffice you for one day, then the you have been blessed with the whole world. What about food for the next day? And what about the day after next? In this Hadith, the point that is being made is that who knows whether the next day would come or not. And if it does come, the same Allah Ta’alah who has given us food today, will give it to us tomorrow as well. Allah Ta’alah has clearly said that Allah has taken responsibility for providing sustenance to whichever living creature walks on earth. Allah Ta’alah know where its permanent home is, as well as where its temporary home is. Allah Ta’alah will deliver its sustenance to it in its abode. So, you should work hard the next day as well and place your trust in Allah. Allah Ta’alah will provide sustenance to you as a result of this hard work and your trust in Him. Trust Allah Ta’alah for tomorrow, and do His Shukr (thanks, شکر) for what he has blessed you with today. Because Allah Ta’alah has promised, ‘if you do My Shukr I will grant you even more’.

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