Thursday 23 November 2017



While we cannot achieve the exalted status of the Sahaba we should try to reach the minimum standard required as has been described by Hazrat Thanvi RE. However, it is difficult to achieve even that standard unless one is mindful of the fact that this life is temporary and can end any time, and that the next life is permanent and we will have to live it forever. We keep making future plans for years and years, but we do not know whether we will be alive tomorrow, even though we keep seeing all the time that a person who was alive a day ago, has now passed away suddenly. Therefore, we should stop making such decades long plans, and should only try to earn as much wealth as we need to sustain us in this life. If we are able to achieve such contentment then we will have peace in this world, and Allah Ta’alah will make the next world comfortable for us too. And the way to achieve this is what Rasool Allah has taught us that look at people less well off than you and thank Allah Ta’alah for what has been granted to you. And do not look at people richer than you because no matter how rich you get there will always be someone richer than you.

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