Wednesday, 18 October 2017



One must remember that the story that has been narrated above is an exception, not a rule. It doesn’t mean that from now on all of us stop praying Salah, stop fasting, stop paying Zakah, stop abstaining from sins, and start believing that I will start giving relaxation to other people like the person in the story above, and I will be forgiven on the Day of Judgment. This is not correct. What happened in the above incident was a manifestation of Allah’s kindness, and Allah’s kindness is not bound by rules and regulations. He can forgive whomever He likes. But the general law for all of us is that we have to perform the Faraiz (compulsory acts of worship), we have to abstain from sins, and then we will have better chances of being forgiven. If a person doesn’t carry out the compulsory acts of worship, doesn’t abstain from sins, and just assumes that he will be forgiven by giving relaxation to other people, he is taking a big risk. Who knows with what sincerity the other person had forgiven other people, and that earned him great kindness from Allah Ta’alah, and he was forgiven by Allah Ta’alah. But we can’t assume the same will happen to all of us, otherwise there would have been no need to declare all these acts of worship compulsory, or to declare all the sins Hara’am (unlawful).

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