Saturday, 14 October 2017



It has been the practice of all the saints that if they saw that a person was engaged in sins, while they hated their sins as hating sins is necessary (Wajib), but they never hated or looked down upon that person.

Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi RE was once walking on the bank of Euphrates river with a few of his disciples. A boat passed close to them in the river. A few carefree young people were sitting in that boat and they were singing and playing instruments.  When they saw Hazrat Junaid Baghdadi RE on the riverbank, they made fun of him and passed some derogatory comments. One of Hazrat Junaid’s RE companions said, “Hazrat! Please make a curse for them. Not only are they themselves involved in major sins, they are also making fun of religious people.” Hazrat Junaid RE raised his hands and prayed, “O Allah Ta’alah! Just like you have blessed these young people with happiness in this world, please help them change their ways so they are also blessed with happiness in the Hereafter.” So, even then Hazrat Junaid RE did not hate their actions and did not say a bad word for them, he prayed for them because he viewed them as Creations of Allah Ta’alah and wished them the best.

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