Hazrat Thanvi was so careful
about not causing psychological distress to another person to the extent that
he used to say that a person should never tell their three or four chores to do
at the same time. That way they pass the burden of remembering all the chores
and their order to their employee. Ideally the person should tell them to do
one chore first, and only after they have completed that task, then give them
the next task. This way the burden of remembering all the chores remains with the
Alhamdulillah (Thank God) the
teachers we learnt religion from, balanced all the facets of religion. They
didn’t just follow Aqa’id (beliefs) or Ibadah (acts of worship) and neglect all
other aspects of Islam. In the Holy Quran Allah Ta’alah says,
يٰٓاَيُّهَا الَّذِيۡنَ اٰمَنُوا
ادۡخُلُوۡا فِى السِّلۡمِ کَآفَّةً (٢: ٢٠٨)
“O’ you who believe, enter Islam completely…” [2:208]
It shouldn’t be like we adopt only
a few commandments of Islam like doing acts of worship, for example, Salah or
fasting, but completely neglect the commandments about Ma’amlat (financial
transactions), Ma’ashrat (ways of relating to people), and Akhlaq (internal
purification) because these are all essential parts of Deen (religion).
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