O children of Adam, Do not let Satan put you in trouble the way he had your parents expelled from Paradise, having their dress removed from them, so that he could show them their shame. Indeed, he sees you, he and his company, from where you do not see them. Surely, We have made the devils friends to those who do not believe.
Say, "My Lord has ordered me to do justice" .Set your faces aright on each occasion of prostration, and pray to Him with
pure faith in Him. Just as He has originated you, so you will be raised again.
O children of Adam, Do not let Satan put you in trouble the way he had your parents expelled from Paradise, having their dress removed from them, so that he could show them their shame. Indeed, he sees you, he and his company, from where you do not see them. Surely, We have made the devils friends to those who do not believe.
When they do a shameful act, they say, "We have found our fathers doing it, and Allah has ordered us to do so". Say, "Allah never orders anything shameful. Do you say about Allah what you do not know?"
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