Monday, 1 January 2018


(Disclaimer: These bayanat were delivered in Urdu in front of people who had a basic knowledge of Tazkiah (Tasawuf), an assumption that may not be true for the readers of this English translation. That is why I have had to elaborate a bit on the Urdu text though keeping as close as possible to Hazrat's teachings. May Allah Ta'alah forgive any unintended mistakes. Ameen)


There are instances when it is appropriate and permissible to express one’s anger, within certain limits. However, anger is such a powerful emotion that once it takes over a person’s mind, the person can lose complete control of his thinking and analysing ability. When someone is real angry it is often not possible for them to analyse a situation objectively to decide whether they have a right to express anger in a particular situation. Similarly, Shariah has set limits that if someone has harmed or hurt you, you can hurt them to the same extent but no ore, hurting them more becomes a major sin. Once someone has become really angry, it is very difficult for them to restrict himself to these limits, because uncontrolled anger often leads people to hurt the other person as much as they can.

For these reasons, when a person starts going through Tazkiah (purification of one’s thoughts and emotions) it is preferable that they stop expressing anger in all situations, including those situations in which they may feel that expressing anger is justified. Moderating one’s behaviour when angry is an attribute that requires great patience and tolerance. When a person keeps his anger in check in all situations over a period of time, only then they are able to develop such control over their anger that they can begin to decide in a particular situation whether it is permissible under Shariah to become angry, and if yes, how much. This is why beginners in Tasawuf are required not to express anger at all.

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