Monday, 21 August 2017



How shall Allah give guidance to a people who disbelieved after they had accepted Faith and testified that the Prophet is true and the clear signs had come to them? Allah does not give guidance to the unjust people.
The punishment of such people is that upon them is the curse of Allah, of the angels and of the human beings altogether.
They will remain under it forever. Neither will the punishment be lightened for them, nor will they be given respite,
except those who repent afterwards and mend their ways. Then, Allah is All-Forgiving, Very-Merciful.
Those who disbelieve after having accepted Faith and then increase in disbelief, their repentance shall never be accepted. {31} They are the ones who have lost the right path. 


{31} It means that until such time that they do Taubah (repentance) from Kufr (disbelief)and embrace Iman (true faith), their repentance from other sins will not be accepted.

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