Monday, 28 August 2017



Do not be like those who became divided and fell into disputes after the clear signs had come to them. Those are the ones for whom there is a grave punishment
on a day when some faces shall turn bright, and some faces shall turn dark. As for those whose faces turn dark, (they shall be questioned): "Did you disbelieve after you had accepted the Faith? {36} Now taste the punishment, because you used to disbelieve."
As for those whose faces turn bright, they will rest in Allah's mercy. They will live there forever.
These are the verses of Allah We recite to you with all veracity. Allah does not intend to do injustice to (anyone in) the worlds.
To Allah belongs what is in the heavens and what is in the earth. To Allah all matters are returned. 


{36} If this relates to People of the Book then accepting the faith refers to them accepting Torah. If this relates to the Hypocrites (at the time of the Holy Prophet ﷺ) then this refers to their verbal proclamation that they had embraced Islam while not believing it in their hearts. A third possibility is that this relates to those people who had left the fold of Islam at any time. As in the previous verses Muslims have been warned not to leave the fold of Islam, therefore, here it has been described what will happen to those people on the Day of Judgment who had relinquished their faith.

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