Wednesday, 16 August 2017



The closest of people to Ibrahim are those who followed him, and this prophet, and those who believe; and Allah is the Guardian of all believers.

A group from the people of the Book loves to mislead you, while they mislead none but themselves, and they do not realize.

O people of the Book, why do you disbelieve in the verses of Allah (revealed in the former Scriptures to foretell about the advent of the Holy Prophet ?) while you are yourselves witnesses {27} (to those verses)?


O People of the Book, why do you confound the truth with falsehood, and conceal the truth when you know (the reality)?

And a group from the people of the Book said (to their people), "Believe in what has been revealed to the believers in the early part of the day, and disbelieve at the end of it, so that they may turn back. {28}

But do not believe (for real) except in those who follow your faith"... 


{27} Here the word 'verses' refers to those verses of Torah and Injil (Bible) in which it was revealed that one day the Holy Prophet ﷺ will come. What it means is that on the one hand these people proclaimed that they believed that Torah and Injil were the books of Allah, but on the other hand they denied the Prophethood of Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa ﷺ, which amounted to rejecting the verses of these divine books.

{28} To make Muslims lose their faith in Islam, during the time of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, some Jews had planned to embrace Islam in the morning, and then denounce it in the evening saying that they had observed the Holy Prophet ﷺ closely but he wasn't the Prophet whose arrival had been forecast in Torah. They believed that this way at least some of the Muslims would think that if these people who are scholars of Torah have reached this conclusion after embracing Islam then there must be some genuine reason behind their reaching this conclusion.

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