Te first advantage of saying the same prayers which the Holy Prophet ﷺ used to say is that while doing this we are following the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, and following the Sunnah of Rasool Allah ﷺ is such a great virtue that in the Holy Quran Allah Ta'alah has said addressing the Holy Prophet ﷺ: "Say (O Prophet): 'If you really love Allah, then follow me, and Allah shall love you and forgive your sins..." (3:31). What can be a greater reward for a Muslims that during the time in which he is following a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ he is loved by Allah Ta'alah.
The second advantage would be that of earning the thawab (eternal reward) of being sympathetic to a fellow human being, and showing sympathy to fellow humans, and even animals, trying to protect them from harm, and bringing them comfort, are all great acts of worship (Ibadah).
The third advantage would be that we would earn the thawab of making Dua (prayer) for another human being, and making Dua for another person is in itself a great act of worship.
So this simple act of saying a Masnoon prayer for a sick person is a combination of three such great acts of worship (ibadah). All of us go at some time or other to see a sick family member, friend or acquaintance. But if, rather than going with a blank mind, we go with the intention that we are following a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ as he regularly used to visit sick people, have the intention that I am doing this to please Allah Ta'alah, follow the etiquettes of visiting a sick person in that we don't do anything which causes distress or discomfort to the sick person by either going at the wrong time or staying too long, and say this Masnoon Dua at the time of visiting them, then this act of doing Iyadat will become a great act of worship.
From the talk "Etiquettes of visiting a sick person" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB
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