Thursday, 4 May 2017


Hazrat Dr Abdul Hai Rehmatullah Elaih used to say that Deen is just a matter of changing one's point of view. If a person changes one's intention about the same activities that they were already doing, then Dunya (worldly affairs) becomes Deen. All the same activities that you were doing which you believed were worldly affairs and had nothing to do with religion, with a change of point of view the same activities become acts of worship. However, there are two pre-conditions.

The first is that so far we were doing these activities with a blank mind, without really thinking about why we were doing these, or we were doing these with an intention of fulfilling societal obligations. From now we won't do these activities with the above intentions. From today we will do these activities with the intention that I am carrying out these acts to please Allah Ta'alah. If I do these acts InshaAllah Allah Ta'alah will be happy with me. As soon as we start doing these act with this intention they will start turning into Ibadah (acts of worship).

The second pre-condition is that we try to find out what was the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ in carrying out these acts. What was his way of doing these activities? Once we know that then from next time we should try to follow the Sunnah of Rasool Allah ﷺ in doing those acts. As had been mentioned before, following the Sunnah of Rasool Allah ﷺ is such a great Ibadah that Allah Ta'alah has said that if you follow the Sunnah of My Prophet, then I will start loving you. What can be a greater reward for an Ibadah than this for a Muslim?

Adapted from the talk "The etiquette of Iyadat (visiting a sick person) by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Daamat Barakatahum

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