Monday, 8 May 2017

SURAH AL-BAQARAH: 261-264 - Part 8

In summary, six conditions have been described in this section for what is spent in the way of Allah to be accepted by Allah Ta'alah:

1. Whatever is being spent should have been earned through Halal means.
2. Spend in accordance with the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. 
3. Spend in right heads, for example a person can not spend on what is Hara'am according to the Shariah and then expect that it will be accepted by Allah Ta'alah.
4. One should not embarrass people by repeatedly reminding them of the Sadaqah or Khayrat one have given to them.
5. Not to behave in a manner which would lead to those people you have given the Sadaqah or Khayrat to feeling humiliated or insulted.
6. Whatever one spends should be spent with the sole intention of pleasing Ta'alah and earning thawab, it should not be mixed with the intention of pleasing people and earning praise or fame.

The second condition i.e. spending in accordance with the Sunnah and the teachings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, means that when spending in the way of Allah Ta'alah one should take care that people's financial rights due towards them should not be neglected. It is no virtue to do Sadaqah or Khayrat while putting one's own family in financial difficulties, or reducing or cutting down their necessary expenditure without their assent. Similarly, depriving one's needy inheritors and bequeathing one's whole inheritance or giving out all of one's assets in Sadaqah or Khayrat, is against the teachings of the Holy Prophet ﷺ. At any one time there are thousands of ways in which one can spend in the way of Allah Ta'alah.The way of the Sunnah is that one should first judge where it is most important to spend at that time, and what is the level of need there, and then spend accordingly. Islam is the religion of moderation (اعتدال). Getting very emotional about any one cause, and then spending most or all of their income there, while disregarding the obligatory rights of one's own family and relatives, and other necessary rights, is not the way of the Shariah or the Holy Prophet ﷺ. 

Adapted from ma'ariful Quran, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi Rehmatullah Elaih

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