Sunday, 14 August 2016


There is an Arabic word "Namimah" which means telling something bad about one person to another person with the intent that the listener does some harm to the person who is being bad-mouthed, and this makes the person who is saying bad things happy. It is not necessary that what is being said is true, what is important is that the person spreading the bad word intends to do harm to the other person. Namimah is even worse than Gheebat (backbiting) as in Gheebat many times there is no specific intention to cause harm. Namimah is a combination of two sins, saying bad things about another human being, and having a wish and an intention that the other person comes to harm, that is why it is such a great sin.

There are strict injunctions against Namimah in Quran and Hadith.

"And do not obey any contemptible one who swears much, a slanderer who goes about with calumnies, ..."(Translation of Surah Al-Qalam:10-11)

And Rasool Allah (SAW) has said, "Qata'at (another word for a person who says bad things about people with an intention to cause them harm) will not enter Jannah (heaven)". 

Adapted from the talk "Gheebat - A great sin" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB

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