Tuesday, 16 August 2016


(I generally very strictly avoid writing about matters of Fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence), partly because I am no religious scholar, and partly because Tableegh (preaching) should be of principles (اصول) of Deen only, and not of details (فروع). There is a specific reason to write this post. I know some very pious Muslims, who are not religious scholars, who believe that Provident Fund is Hara'am (impermissible) and don't take it for that reason. Please remember that just like it is a great sin to start thinking of something as Halal (permissible) which Allah Ta'alah has declared Hara'am (impermissible), in exactly the same way it is a great, if not greater, sin to declare something as being Hara'am which Allah Ta'alah has declared Halal. For people who wish to follow religion but have not studied it systematically, the safest route is to follow a religious scholar (Alim) who not only has great knowledge, but is also completely trustworthy.)

A person once asked Moulana Ashraf Ali Thanvi RA that government deducts a small amount from the salary every month and then when a person retires, gives him more than was deducted from his salary, as G.P (Provident) fund. Some people think this additional amount is interest (usury) so don't take this fund. Is it permissible to take it?

Hazrat Thanvi RA said, "It is completely permissible to take that money and the additional sum. It is only interest when someone loans money that is in his possession, to someone on the condition that he will take back more than he gave. It is not the situation here because until an employee receives the salary at the end of the month, that money is not in his possession and doesn't belong to him. Only that amount of salary that he received at the end of the month, is in his possession, and the part that has been deducted is not in his possession. It will only become his possession once he has received it. So if he gets more than had been deducted, then it is a kind of a gift. However, if he had obtained possession of the money, then deposited it, and then taken back more than he had deposited, that would have been interest.

Adapted from Malfoozat-e-Ashrafiya 

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