Hazrat said that Hazrat Dr Abdul Hai RUA used to say that all the Huqooq (rights) are enshrined in Shariah. Shariah tells us the detail about Huqooq-Ullah (rights of Allah SWT) and Huqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of human beings).
The Hudood (boundaries) are enshrined in Sunnah (practices of Rasool Allah SAW). It is the Sunnah which tells us what is the limit of which right، wha are the boundaries of Huqooq-Ullah, and what are the boundaries of Huqooq-ul-Ibad? The Sunnah tells us to which limit we will act on each right.
And the Protection of Hudood (boundaries) is enshrined in Tareeqat, which is also known as Tasawwuf. Tareeqat teaches us how to stay within the boundaries that have been set by the Sunnah.
If a person starts becomes observant of all three i.e. Rights, Boundaries of Rights, and Protection of the Boundaries of Rights, then he does not need to achieve anything else.
(Further detail of this will come in future posts)
Adapted from the talk "Looking after one's parents well" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB.
The Hudood (boundaries) are enshrined in Sunnah (practices of Rasool Allah SAW). It is the Sunnah which tells us what is the limit of which right، wha are the boundaries of Huqooq-Ullah, and what are the boundaries of Huqooq-ul-Ibad? The Sunnah tells us to which limit we will act on each right.
And the Protection of Hudood (boundaries) is enshrined in Tareeqat, which is also known as Tasawwuf. Tareeqat teaches us how to stay within the boundaries that have been set by the Sunnah.
If a person starts becomes observant of all three i.e. Rights, Boundaries of Rights, and Protection of the Boundaries of Rights, then he does not need to achieve anything else.
(Further detail of this will come in future posts)
Adapted from the talk "Looking after one's parents well" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB.
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