Sunday, 7 August 2016


To justify Gheebat (backbiting) some people say that I am not doing Gheebat, I can say this in front of that person too. What they mean is that, in their opinion, as long as they can say something to someone's face, saying the same behind his back doesn't constitute Gheebat. The truth is that saying anything behind a person' back, which would upset or hurt him if he heard it being said about him, constitutes Gheebat. It has nothing to do with being able to say the same in his presence, or not.

Gheebat is a Gunahe-Kabirah (a major sin) and it is as great a sin as drinking alcohol, robbing someone, or adultery. In terms of severity there is no difference between these. In fact Gheebat is more serious than many other major sins in that it belongs to the category of Huqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of other human beings), and Allah SWT does not forgive Huqooq-ul-Ibad even after Taubah (Repentance) until they are forgiven by the person whose rights were violated. That is why please take care that neither commit Gheebat, nor listen to it. If you are in a gathering where other people are doing Gheebat, try to change the topic of the conversation. If you can't stop other people from doing Gheebat then leave that gathering as listening to Gheebat is as Hara'am as doing it yourself.

Adapted from the talk "Gheebat- A great sin" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB

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