Hazrat Anas Bin Malik RAA has narrated that Rasool Allah SAW said that on the night when we was taken for Ma'iraj he saw some people who were scraping their faces with their nails. When he asked Hazrat Jibrael (Gabriel) AS who these people were, Hazrat Jibrael AS said these people used to do Gheebat (backbiting) against other people, and used to attack their reputations.
In a Hadith Rasool Allah SAW said, that the people who do Gheebat would apparently have done many virtuous acts in this world, they would have prayed Salah, would have fasted, would have given alms, but on the Day of Judgment when they would try to cross the Bridge of Sirat پلِ صراط they would be stopped and would be told that they must atone for the Gheebat they have done before they would be allowed to cross the Bridge of Sirat. It means they would have to beg forgiveness from the person they would have done the Gheebat against, and only after that person has forgiven them would they be allowed to enter Jannah (Heaven)
In another Hadith Rasool Allah SAW said that Riba (interest, usury) is such a great sin that it is a source of numerous wrongs and is a combination of many sins, but committing slander against a fellow Muslim is the worst form of Riba.
Adapted from the talk "Gheebat - A great sin" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB
In a Hadith Rasool Allah SAW said, that the people who do Gheebat would apparently have done many virtuous acts in this world, they would have prayed Salah, would have fasted, would have given alms, but on the Day of Judgment when they would try to cross the Bridge of Sirat پلِ صراط they would be stopped and would be told that they must atone for the Gheebat they have done before they would be allowed to cross the Bridge of Sirat. It means they would have to beg forgiveness from the person they would have done the Gheebat against, and only after that person has forgiven them would they be allowed to enter Jannah (Heaven)
In another Hadith Rasool Allah SAW said that Riba (interest, usury) is such a great sin that it is a source of numerous wrongs and is a combination of many sins, but committing slander against a fellow Muslim is the worst form of Riba.
Adapted from the talk "Gheebat - A great sin" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB
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