Thursday 6 April 2017


The non-Muslims of Mecca did not let go of any opportunity to harm or hurt the Holy Prophet ﷺ and the Holy Companions (Sahaba). On many occasions they tried to kill him and had even announced the bounty of a hundred camels for the person who would bring in the Holy Prophet . At the time of Ghazva Uhud they showered arrows on the Holy Prophet ﷺ and even injured his face. His teeth got broken. But even at that time Rasool Allah  prayed:

"الّٰلھمہ اھد قومی فانھم لا یعلمون"

"O Allah!. Please give guidance to my people. They do not know."

These people were very cruel and there was no doubt about their cruelty. But still Rasool Allah ﷺ did not harbour grudge or resentment towards them. So this is a great Sunnah of Rasool Allah ﷺ that we should not reply to a bad deed with a bad deed, and should rather pray for that person. And this is the best cure for Bughz (بغض, resentment) and Hassad (حسد, jealousy).

From the talk "Be Like Brothers", by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Damat Barakatahum

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