We are people of extremes, either we don't do a good deed, or if we start doing something we do it to such an extreme that it becomes a nuisance for other people. The Holy Prophet ﷺ has taught us moderation (اعتدال) in every walk of like. Similarly, he has also taught us the etiquettes of visiting a sick person. In a Hadith Rasool Allah ﷺ said:
"من عاد منکم فلیخفف"
"When you go to visit a sick person, do it tenderly." What should not happen is that while we intend to go to to show sympathy and to support them, but end up doing it in such a way that it ends up causing them distress and inconvenience.
The first thing to be careful about is that we go at an appropriate time. We should think or find out beforehand whether this person usually sleeps or rests at this time, or whether it is their private time to spend with their family? Make sure that it will not inconvenience them if you go at that particular time.
The other thing to consider when going for someone's Iyadat is that the person should stay there for a little while, and should not stay so long that his visit becomes a burden for the sick person. When a person is sick they generally prefer to be able to lie down or relax as they wish, and do things the way they feel comfortable. But if a guest comes, they become bound to be at least a little bit formal. They cannot lie down as they wish to, they cannot spend private time with the family if they want to. What it ends being that while we went to do their Iyadat to provide them comfort, but end up staying so long but ended up staying so long that it inconvenienced them. That is why Rasool Allah ﷺ has said that when you go to visit a sick person do not behave in a manner that it causes them discomfort, but be gentle about it. Visit them for a short time, ask about their health in the way of the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet ﷺ, and then leave after a short while. Visiting a sick person to inquire about their health, and then staying there for hours which ends up causing discomfort and inconvenience to the sick person, is against the Sunnah of The Holy Prophet ﷺ, and may end up being a sin rather than earning thawab (eternal reward).
However, if someone is very close to the sick person, and they know that if I stay long it would provide comfort to the sick person and will make them happy, then there is no harm in that person staying for long.
From the talk "The etiquette of Iyadat (visiting a sick person) by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani Daamat Barakatahum
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