"And do not walk on the earth haughtily. You can neither tear the earth apart, nor can you match the mountains in height." (Surah Bani Isra'il:37)
Takabbur (arrogance, تکبّر) means believing oneself to be superior to others, and considering others to be inferior to oneself. Very harsh warnings have appeared in Hadith against it. Even behaving in ways which are suggestive of Takabbur has been declared impermissible.
Imam Muslim RE has reported on the authority of Sayyidna Iyad ibn Ammar RAA that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said, "Allah Ta'alah has sent this command to me through revelation: Be humble. No person should boast on, or act as if he is superior to, another person. No one one should behave unjustly towards anyone else." (Mazhari)
Sayyidna Abdullah Ibn Masud RAA narrates that the Holy Prophet SAW said, "A person who has Takabbur in his heart even to the measure of a particle will not enter paradise." (Mazhari to the reference of Sahih of Muslim)
Speaking from the pulpit Sayyidna Umar Farooq RAA said, "I have heard from the Holy Prophet SAW that Allah Ta'alah elevates the status of a person who adopts Tawazu (humility, تواضع) so that even though he is insignificant in his own eyes, he is great in the eyes of everyone else. And if a person adopts Takabbur Allah Ta'alah disgraces him so that even though he is great in his own eyes, he is worse than a pig and a dog in everyone else's eyes." (Mazhari)
Abstracted from Ma'ariful Quran, Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE
Takabbur (arrogance, تکبّر) means believing oneself to be superior to others, and considering others to be inferior to oneself. Very harsh warnings have appeared in Hadith against it. Even behaving in ways which are suggestive of Takabbur has been declared impermissible.
Imam Muslim RE has reported on the authority of Sayyidna Iyad ibn Ammar RAA that the Holy Prophet ﷺ said, "Allah Ta'alah has sent this command to me through revelation: Be humble. No person should boast on, or act as if he is superior to, another person. No one one should behave unjustly towards anyone else." (Mazhari)
Sayyidna Abdullah Ibn Masud RAA narrates that the Holy Prophet SAW said, "A person who has Takabbur in his heart even to the measure of a particle will not enter paradise." (Mazhari to the reference of Sahih of Muslim)
Speaking from the pulpit Sayyidna Umar Farooq RAA said, "I have heard from the Holy Prophet SAW that Allah Ta'alah elevates the status of a person who adopts Tawazu (humility, تواضع) so that even though he is insignificant in his own eyes, he is great in the eyes of everyone else. And if a person adopts Takabbur Allah Ta'alah disgraces him so that even though he is great in his own eyes, he is worse than a pig and a dog in everyone else's eyes." (Mazhari)
Abstracted from Ma'ariful Quran, Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE
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