Sunday 6 November 2016


"And give full measure when you measure, and weigh with a straight balance. That is good, and better in the end." (Surah Bani Isra'il:35)

In this verse it has been commanded that people should measure and weigh correctly, and should not measure short, when selling something.

Respected jurists of Islam have decreed that the core principle in this verse is that it is Hara'am (unlawful) to give a person less than what is due to them. Therefore, if an employee does not fulfil his assigned duties properly, or gives less time to work than he is being paid for, or if a worker shirks his responsibilities and deliberately does not deliver what he had contracted to deliver, then it is all included in the meaning of this verse.

Abstract from Ma'ariful Quran, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE

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