"And be steadfast in Salah, and pay Zakah, and bow down with those who bow." (Surah Al-Baqarah:43)
Al-Salah , in the terminology of Shariah, is a definite form of Ibadah or worship. Whenever the Quran commands commands Muslims to perform the Salah, it employs the word Iqamah, except in one or two instances. Lexically, the word Iqamah means "making a thing straight or keeping it firmly in its place". The word also specifies "establishing a thing or making it perpetual." Thus, combining the two words Salah and Iqamah in the Holy Quran and the Hadith signifies, not merely offering the prayer, but performing the five ordained prayers steadfastly in the prescribed form, at the prescribed hours, and fulfilling all the necessary conditions. All the rewards and blessings of Salah that have been promised in Quran and Hadith are conditional to performing it steadfastly (Iqamah).For example the Holy Quran says: "ان الصلوٰة تنھیٰ عن الفحشاء والمنکر" "The Salah restrains one from indecency and evil".(29:45) It means that if one sees people who pray the Salah engaging in immodest or immoral activities, one should not doubt the veracity of this verse, rather it is more likely that while these people have been praying the Salah, they have not been observing conditions of Iqamah.
To be continued...
Continued from before...
اتو الزکوٰة
Lexically speaking the word Zakah has two meanings: (a) to purify, (b) grow. In the terminology of the Shariah Zakah refers to that proportion of one's possessions which needs to be taken out and spent totally according to the injunctions of the Shariah.
وارکعو مع الرکعین
The Arabic word Ruku means "to bow down". In the terminology of the Shariah Ruku refers to that particular form of bowing down which is performed in Salah. So the verse actually means that offer Salah with those who offer Salah.
As reported by Imam Muslim RE, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masud RAA said, "The man who wishes to meet Allah tomorrow (i.e the Day of Judgment) as a true Muslim, should offer these five prayers regularly and steadfastly in a place where the call for the prayer is habitually made (i.e. a mosque), for Allah has laid down for your Prophet certain ways of good guidance (Sunnan al-Huda), and offering the five prescribed prayers with the Jama'ah (congregation) in one of them. If you offer these prayers at home", he added pointing towards a man, "as he does, keeping away from the Jama'ah, you will have forsaken the Sunnah of your Prophet, and if you forsake the Sunnah of your Prophet you will go astray. The man who goes to a mosque, for every step that he takes, Allah forgives one of his sins, add one good deed to his account and promotes him one rank higher..."
Adapted from Ma'ariful Quran, Interpretation of Surah Al-Baqarah, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE
Al-Salah , in the terminology of Shariah, is a definite form of Ibadah or worship. Whenever the Quran commands commands Muslims to perform the Salah, it employs the word Iqamah, except in one or two instances. Lexically, the word Iqamah means "making a thing straight or keeping it firmly in its place". The word also specifies "establishing a thing or making it perpetual." Thus, combining the two words Salah and Iqamah in the Holy Quran and the Hadith signifies, not merely offering the prayer, but performing the five ordained prayers steadfastly in the prescribed form, at the prescribed hours, and fulfilling all the necessary conditions. All the rewards and blessings of Salah that have been promised in Quran and Hadith are conditional to performing it steadfastly (Iqamah).For example the Holy Quran says: "ان الصلوٰة تنھیٰ عن الفحشاء والمنکر" "The Salah restrains one from indecency and evil".(29:45) It means that if one sees people who pray the Salah engaging in immodest or immoral activities, one should not doubt the veracity of this verse, rather it is more likely that while these people have been praying the Salah, they have not been observing conditions of Iqamah.
To be continued...
Continued from before...
اتو الزکوٰة
Lexically speaking the word Zakah has two meanings: (a) to purify, (b) grow. In the terminology of the Shariah Zakah refers to that proportion of one's possessions which needs to be taken out and spent totally according to the injunctions of the Shariah.
وارکعو مع الرکعین
The Arabic word Ruku means "to bow down". In the terminology of the Shariah Ruku refers to that particular form of bowing down which is performed in Salah. So the verse actually means that offer Salah with those who offer Salah.
As reported by Imam Muslim RE, Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Masud RAA said, "The man who wishes to meet Allah tomorrow (i.e the Day of Judgment) as a true Muslim, should offer these five prayers regularly and steadfastly in a place where the call for the prayer is habitually made (i.e. a mosque), for Allah has laid down for your Prophet certain ways of good guidance (Sunnan al-Huda), and offering the five prescribed prayers with the Jama'ah (congregation) in one of them. If you offer these prayers at home", he added pointing towards a man, "as he does, keeping away from the Jama'ah, you will have forsaken the Sunnah of your Prophet, and if you forsake the Sunnah of your Prophet you will go astray. The man who goes to a mosque, for every step that he takes, Allah forgives one of his sins, add one good deed to his account and promotes him one rank higher..."
Adapted from Ma'ariful Quran, Interpretation of Surah Al-Baqarah, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE