Saturday, 8 October 2016


Ibn Atiyyah (RE) said: If doing something is obligatory on a person, then, it is a Covenant of Allah due against him. If he asks someone for money to do what is already obligatory upon him, or doesn't do it if he doesn't get money, then he is breaking his Covenant with Allah. Similarly, if it is obligatory upon someone not to do something, and he does it after taking money from someone he is breaking the Covenant of Allah.

This leads to the conclusion that all prevailing forms of bribery are Hara'am (forbidden). When an employee receives a salary from the government it means he has entered into a Covenant with Allah Ta'alah that he will perform certain duties in exchange for that salary. If he now starts demanding money from other people for performing those duties, or does not perform his duties without getting that extra money, then he is breaking the Covenant of Allah. Similarly, if his employer does not allow him to do certain things, an he does those after taking bribe, this is also breaking the Covenant with Allah.

Abstract from Ma'ariful Quran, interpretation of Surah Al-Nahl, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE

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