Saturday, 8 October 2016


"Allah commands to do justice and be good, and to give relatives (their due)..." (Translation Surah Al-Nahl:90)

The first command in this verse is that of Al-Adl or justice, then, that of Al-Ihsan or being good. Some Tafsir (interpretation of Qur'an) authorities have said that justice means that one should give the right of the other person in full, and take what comes to him, neither less nor more; then, should someone hurt you, you hurt him only as much as he did, no more. And Ihsan or being good means that you give the other person more than his real due and, as for your own right, ignore it to the limit that you willingly accept even if it turns out to be less than due. Similarly, when someone hurts you physically or verbally, then, rather than inflict an equal retaliation against that person, you better forgive him, in fact, return the evil done by him with what is good for him. Thus the command to do justice comes in the form of what is Fard and Wajib (obligatory and necessary as duty) while the command to be good appears in the status of an act which is voluntary (Nafl)and is motivated by a well meaning desire to contribute more in the way of what is good.

Adapted from Ma'ariful Quran, interpretation of Surah Al-Nahl, by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE

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