Saturday, 27 February 2016


A person who was about to move to a Western country for further education asked about Hara'am and Halal foods in that country. Hazrat said, "In a non-Muslim country meat should be considered Hara'am until you are absolutely certain that it is Halal, and all other edible items should be considered Halal until you are absolutely certain that they are Hara'am." Hazrat then further said, "Do not get too preoccupied about every single edible item being Hara'am or Halal unless there is a strong reason to suspect that it may not be Halal."

He then told a story about this, "Hazrat Omar RAA once went outside the city with a Sahabi (companion of Rasool Allah SAW). When they became thirsty they went to a pond. A local appeared at that time. The Sahabi asked him whether wild animals came to that pond to drink water. Before he could reply Hazrat Omar RAA raised his hand and told him not to answer that question." Hazrat then said that what it meant was that in such a situation if you don't see wild animals' footprints or any other obvious signs of their coming or going then that water should be considered clean and drinkable and one should not get too preoccupied with unnecessary investigation. The same principle should be applied to items of food, other than meat, that they should be considered Halal unless there is a clear reason not to do so.

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