Hazrat once said that not having Hubbe Ma'al (love of material things) does not mean that a person stops working and earning an income, and distributes all his belongings among other people. If a person acts on the following InshaAllah he will be able to control his Hubbe Ma'al.
- He should make a firm commitment that he will never earn another cent from non-Halal sources.
- He should make a firm commitment that he will never spend another cent in non-Halal activities.
- He should keep thanking Allah SWT for the blessings Allah SWT has bestowed upon him.
- In addition to the wajib (obligatory) sadaqah (alms) like zakat a person must spend some money in the name of Allah Ta'alah. It has been a practice of our elders that as soon as an income came they took a fixed percentage like 5 % or 10 % out and put it separately in an envelope to spend on charity. That way when the time for spending on charity comes one doesn't have to force oneself to take some money out but that envelope keeps reminding one to find a use for it.
Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB
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