Saturday, 29 July 2017



There are two types of Fard (acts of worship deemed compulsory or obligatory by Shariah), Fard-e-Ayn (فرض عین) and Fard-e-Kifayah (فرض کفایہ). Fard-e-Ayn means that that particular act of worship [Ibadah] has been made compulsory for every individual Muslim. If any individual doesn't do it he will be committing a sin, regardless of if everyone else is doing it or not. For example, the five daily Salah are Fard-e-Ayn. On the day of Judgment every individual Muslim will to account for all their Salah (Namaz) about whether they carried those out properly or not. In contrast, Fard-e-Kifayah are those Ibadah which are compulsory for a community but not every individual Muslim. If some people in the community carry out that Ibadah then it is deemed to have been carried out by everyone in the community.  Salah of Janazah (Salah prayer offered when a Muslim has passed away) is an example of Fard-e-Kifayah. If some people in the community carry it out then it suffices for the whole community. However, if no one in the community carries it out then everyone in that community would be deemed sinful.

Now coming back to the topic of Tableegh it needs to be understood that Communal or Public Tableegh is a Fard-e-Kifayah, it is not a Fard-e-Ayn. It means that every individual Muslim is not required to give sermons to large groups of people, or go to other people's homes to do Tableegh, as long as some people in the community are doing it.  However, if no one in the community is doing Communal Tableegh then the whole community would be deemed sinful. 

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