Saturday, 30 July 2016


"O those who believe, save yourselves and your families from a fire, the fuel of which is human beings and stones, appointed on which are angels, stern and severe, who do not disobey Allah in what He orders them, and do whatever they are ordered to do." (Surah Al-Tahrim:6)

These days one often comes across people who are very pious, who pray regularly, fast regularly, and are very mindful of Hara'am and Halal. Yet when one sees their family members the family is going in a very different direction. They do not care much even about the mandatory Ibada't (prayers) and are not careful about refraining from sins. When these people are counselled about bringing their children closer to Deen (religion) their answer often is, "we have tried very hard to bring them close to religion but the overall environment and society are very corrupt these days. They do not listen no matter how hard we try. We have discharged our duty. Now they are are responsible for their own deeds."

By using the word "fire" in this verse the Quran has hinted about to what extent a person should go to save his family from sins. If there is a fire and someone's young child, who doesn't have full understanding, is advancing towards that fire would the parents be satisfied preaching from a safe distance, "My child! Don't go into that fire. You will get burnt." If they are real parents they would never be able to just keep giving advice from a safe distance. They would be so anxious that they would do anything to remove the child away from the fire.

The Quran has hinted that just like you can't bear the thought of your child getting burnt from fire in this world, make at least as much effort to save your child from burning in fire in the next one.

Adapted from the talk "Character Building of one's children" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB

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