Saturday, 11 June 2016


Our society can never be rid of the curse of dowry until the so called rich and affluent people make a commitment that they will get their children married off with simplicity and will curb these wrong rituals that have taken root in our society. It is not possible for a less well-to-do person to challenge the norms of society. A white collar person goes beyond his means to give his daughter an expansive daughter because he is worried that if doesn't do so then the society would look down upon him and his daughter would be ridiculed by her in-laws for not bringing a worthy dowry.

Today an expansive dowry has become an essential part of a wedding in our society. It was the responsibility of a husband to provide necessary items for his household. But now it has become the responsibility of the father of the bride to provide all the household items for a newlywed couple. The poor man is supposed to not just give away his beloved daughter, but also hundreds of thousands of rupees, furniture and what not, for someone else's home. None of this is mandatory under Sharia. All that is permissible in Sharia is that if a father wants to give his daughter some gifts at wedding, he can do so quietly and with simplicity. 

Anyways, until the so called rich people in society take a lead in this and start getting their own children married with simplicity, our society can not get rid of this curse. May Allah SWT make understand the importance of this. Ameen. 

Abstract from the talk "rights of husbands" by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani RA. 

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