Talking to a disciple who was going to USA for higher education Hazrat said, "There are some advantages too in your going to US. The greatest advantage is that when a person moves to a new place he has very few relationships. Because of that if he wishes he can develop a very strong relationship with Allah Ta'alah. There is also a potential disadvantage too in not having relationships, in that a person can form wrong relationships. Not having too many relationships doesn't mean that a person stops interacting with his parents, his wife, his children or his friends, all these relationships are included in Huqooq-ul-Ibad (rights of human beings), they are an essential part of life and are conducive to one forming a relationship with Allah Ta'alah. But what it means is that a person should not become so preoccupied with these relationships that he keeps involved in and keeps thinking about them all the time, but should spend his spare time in doing Allah's zikr and remembering Him, and should strive to improve his relationship with Allah Ta'alah.
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