Wednesday, 8 March 2017


Then one day another incident occurred. The blessed Companion (Sahabi) Hazrat Itban Ibn Malik RAA had invited some Sahaba to his home. After dinner, alcohol was served as was their custom. Then according to another cultural practice of the time people started reciting poetry embellishing their and their ancestors' accomplishments. Hazrat Saad Ibn Abi Waqqas RAA recited a poem in which he satirised the Ansar (helpers) of Madinah and eulogised his own tribal ancestors. This made an Ansari young man angry and he hit Hazrat Saad RAA with a camel's jawbone causing severe injury to his head. Sayyidna Saad RAA went to the Holy Prophet ﷺ and complained against the young man. At that time, the Holy Prophet SAW raised his hands in prayer and said: (translation) "O' Allah! Give us a clear and conclusive guidance in the matter of alcohol". Thereupon, the third and final verse about alcohol was revealed which declared alcohol Hara'am (unlawful) for all times to come:

"O you who believe! Alcohol and gambling and stone altars and drawing of lots with arrows are only an abomination, a work of Satan; so shun it so that happily you may prosper." (Surah Al-Maidah: 90)

To be continued...

From Ma'ariful Quran by Mufti Muhammad Shafi RE

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