Saturday, 24 September 2016


Hazrat Dr Abdul Hai RE used to say that keep doing Allah's Shukr (شکر) (thanking Allah Ta'alah for His blessings upon us) frequently. The more you do Shukr the more Tawazu (تواضع) you will develop, InshaAllah you will be cured from Takabbur (تکبّر), and the ills of the spirit will get better.

And when you do do Shukr, try to think about what Shukr means. When we do Shukr for a blessing that Allah Ta'alah has bestowed upon us, what we are really saying is that I was not 'entitled' to this blessing, but Allah Ta'alah was so kind to me that He bestowed this upon me without any entitlement on my part. This feeling of lack of entitlement is Tawazu. If someone believes that they were entitled to every blessing that has been showered upon the, then there is no Tawazu. For example if someone gives a loan to someone else, then the lender is entitled to get it back from the borrower. When the borrower returns the money then the lender is not obliged to express Shukr because he was entitled to get that money anyway. Shukr is due when a person believes he was not entitled to a blessing that was bestowed upon him, what he was given was beyond his entitlement. So whenever you do Shukr for a blessing always think that I wasn't entitled to it, it was merely because of Allah's kindness that I got that. If you keep doing that InshaAllah you will develop Tawazu.

Adapted from the talk "Tawazu, a means of greatness", by Mufti Muhammad Taqi Usmani DB

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